Have you ever thought about becoming an ambulance volunteer?
Take the step today.
It’s easier than you think.

In regional South Australia more than 1500 volunteers make up a network of over 80 volunteer teams for SA Ambulance Service. Volunteers provide professional emergency ambulance and patient transfer services within their communities.

As a volunteer ambulance officer you will gain the skills and confidence to take control in an emergency situation and to save the lives of others. The personal satisfaction and self-esteem that comes with this is immeasurable. But as well as learning life-saving medical skills, other life skills will get a boost – like decision making, team and leadership abilities. And our volunteers are trained in safe, defensive driving: that’s something you’ll call on every day.

As a prospective volunteer, you’ll have qualities that we recognise as important – your compassion, your commitment to the community and your willingness to learn are just a few. SA Ambulance Service wants to build on what you bring.

For more information or to be sent an information pack, call 1800 655 306 or email your contact details, including your postal address, to SAASvolunteer@sa.gov.au.